Sunday, December 30, 2007

Transparency in Racing - Reply to ThisRacingGame blog

Point made Steve; I (like Sam above) also believe that agents need to be more forthright before commenting. The fear of "if they know who is interested in buying they may raise the reserve on me or bid me up" causing agent transparency problems;

New Zealand at least have the option of including the owners details as part of the information in the catalogue underneath the As agent info for those so inclined; What i do find interesting is that if you want to add more information for the purchaser such as "bred or reared at such and such commercial stud" you are not allowed as this falls out of line with the "cataloging standards" apparently used within Australia and NZ??; (As told to me by NZB)

Leading trainers and now others have long been accused of purchasing this lot or that lot before or even during the sale BUT prior to it going thru the sale ring; moreso i feel to allow for inhouse syndication at the highest price; For at least the last twenty years we have been seeing trainers buy from the stud who is selling the lot in the first place to train the horse for the stud;
This also has the ramifications of allowing the studs to achieve the better stallion sales averages and of course lets not forget the biggie, "Stallion Fees" for next year that breeders have to pay; Expect more of this as the purchasing dollar for New Stallions continues to spiral seemingly out of control;

As a side bar:For information of those interested Auctions of Real Estate do show the full owners description at every auction; It appears in the Contract of Sale which HAS to be dispalyed in full open sight at every auction and normally selling agents display this at the latter inspections of the property just prior to Auction for interested purchasers;

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