Monday, February 13, 2012

The gambler

The gambler

1 comment:

  1. The article attavched shows the lack of real business professionalism involved in most TAB' throughout not just Australia but the World!
    The story documents how certain betting orgs gained unfair advantage using the betting pools and gaining rebates with no risk of losing money. Surely this exemplifies the need for the TAB industry to gain better qualified people on board and management to understand betting principles and practices because as it stands they have shown little to none as far as knowing their industry and business!
    I cant believe the government tried to stop Betfair after reading what the TAB' throughout Australia have allowed. At least Betfair you know are swallowing a commission and not just raking in the normal aussie punters dollar to give to some other gutless punting organisation that couldnt pick a winner if they had to rely on it, not to mention not paying taxes on profits either! FAIR GO TABS ALL OVER AUSTRALIA!
