Friday, January 4, 2008

Vendor Transparency Issue - A Real Issue or Overrated?

As going by some of the more serious commentaries here the transparency issue goes farther than the sales.
Come on gang if you have a point and or an issue with the industry please stand by your comments and post a name with your comments and claims.

I have been racing, purchasing and selling in this industry for over 20 years now. I am not a big player and all of my dealings are hobbyist in nature but because of the love and lifestyle the racing industry can afford me, i see more in the industry than just some of these minor issues.
As one of the posters stated here, it really is an easy decision. IF YOU LIKE THE HORSE BUY IT, IF NOT FIND ANOTHER!

The only point of conjecture i have with Steve on this issue is more with i dont care who bred or owns the horse if i like it and believe it is value i will buy it. If they have run off with my wife they probably have the worse end of the stick.
Cheers to all of you for 2008.

This post started at Thanks Mr. Steve Brem

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